Albie Donnelly´s SuperchargeBrass sections in swing shine and wafting Hammond sounds - this balancing act between high standards and good-time music cannot be topped.

In 1973, Liverpool bandleader Albie Donnelly founded the band Supercharge with some local musician colleagues to counter the ubiquitous "Mersey beat" with their own music. Rhythm and blues, soul, funk and lots of English humour characterise the first record production "Between Music And Madness". The band's career reads like an encyclopedia of modern light music: studio recordings in London with Bob Geldof and the Boomtownrats, record deals with Richard Branson's Virgin Music, productions by Robert "Mutt" Lange (Graham Parker, AC/DC, Brian Adams), gold records and number 1 hits. Performances with Graham Parker, Fats Domino, Chuck Berry, Ray Charles, B. B. King and Queen made Albie Donnelly's Supercharge the number 1 rhythm and blues band in Europe. After 40 years on tour, the formation with the British boss is anything but a pensioner combo. Albie Donnelly - Mr. Supercharge - is still coolness personified. Equipped with the proven attributes of a full beard, dark-tinted glasses and a high-gloss bald head, he is not only an artistic sensation on the tenor saxophone. The voice, which has matured over the years, is also striking. So Albie Donnelly's Supercharge finds its way back to the powerful rhythm and blues of the old days. The seven-piece band makes a compact unit, energetic "Between Music And Madness". Brass sections in swing shine and wafting Hammond sounds - this balancing act between high standards and good-time music, between popular songs and rock-solid craftsmanship, cannot be topped.


Albie Donnelly, voc, t sax Thorsten "Bonefunk" Heitzmann, trb, voc Jürgen "Big Jay" Wieching, sax, voc Andre Tolba, g, voc Sascha Kühn, p, org Bolle Diekmann, b Uwe "Rocky" Petersen, dr

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